just submitted my 40th weekly update to Startup School.



landed another customer for our AI Data Analyst this week, we are going to start billing from the start of next month and have them onboarded from tomorrow. we did 2 more demos and received feedback for those. another person who’s been interested but didn’t have his data ready sent a message today that it’s ready and we’re probably going to be able to onboard him next week once he’s ready.

learnt from the demos that the current waiting time for initial function calls made with openai’s api isn’t a great UX and we need to show a visual indication on the UI to keep users in the loop on what’s happening in the background while the querying & analysis is happening in the background.

going to be trying the idea suggested by Suhail in his tweet thread -


stuff I read this week

I did read but nothing especially interesting that I remember it by now to link it here, but I should probably keep a small note with links anyway to not leave this section empty…


had some nice long walks this week and peaking at 7695 steps on wednesday (25th Oct), unfortunately thursday was too rainy to head outside for an evening walk, friday started out ok but we had to come home midway through the walk because it started raining. couldn’t walk during the weekend since it was raining heavily during the afternoon-evening.


the end

basically copied the same format as last week, I might need to write this with more time in hand without waiting till it’s 11pm on Sunday :)

thank you for reading! let me know how this could be better (if you’ve read this far 😅)